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Exercise: Making difficult decisions

The following is a choice board exercise about making difficult decisions in a theatrical context. Students will select one of the six activities below to complete them. Some of the options are written, and others are based on performance. There are also individual options, for partners and for small groups.…

All about choice panels

A blackboard is a visual tool that teachers can use in the classroom to allow students to ... make choices! Choice tables consist of two or more activity options that students can complete. The teacher specifies what options are available, and the student selects what activity (or activities) to do.…

High school improvisation show book

Have you ever wondered how to take improvisation to the next level with your students? High school improvisation show book is the "how to" guide for you! Empower students to present their first improvisational show that is fun and entertaining for all. Improvisation is an excellent tool for the theater…

What does it mean to be “educated”?

The phrase "educate yourself!" a lot is thrown away, especially online. It's hard when, as a teacher, you try to learn more about topics you're unfamiliar with, so you can better support your students, and then you're off. But please keep trying! Your students need that from you, even if…

Start with one thing

There is a lot of talk about what teachers should do to create inclusive classrooms for LGBTQ + students. But the amount of information and resources available can be overwhelming. Where do you start? What is the right thing to do? Teachers are not therapists and should not take on…