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Resource: tons of tiny suggestions

Good things come in small packages, and with them, we’ve got a great collection of tiny prompts to get your students thinking about the little things. If you want even more requests, you can find 50 more in the giveaway below.

Here are four mini-exercises for which you can use small pointers:

  • Mime exercise: Have students mime picking up a small item, interacting with it, and handing it to the student next to them.
  • Playwriting exercise: Write a one-page scene, for two people, that must include a tiny element somewhere in the plot.
  • Enhancement Exercise 1: You open a treasure chest to find a multitude of tiny objects.
  • Enhancement Exercise 2: In a science lab, your shrink ray turns and makes a small giant object.

Be sure to check us out completely prompt collection for even more inspiration!

  1. A birthday candle
  2. A penny
  3. A mosquito
  4. A germ
  5. An atom
  6. A needle
  7. A crumb
  8. A humming bird
  9. A mouse
  10. An eyelash
  11. A pebble
  12. A grain of sand
  13. A paper clip
  14. An earring
  15. A drop of rain
  16. A safety pin
  17. A hairpin/bobby pin
  18. A watch equipment
  19. A blade of grass
  20. A single sequin
  21. A flea
  22. A second
  23. One millimeter
  24. One pixel
  25. A grain of rice
  26. A flower seed
  27. A red pepper flake
  28. A sugar cube
  29. A pinch of salt
  30. A gummy bear
  31. A tadpole
  32. A charm bracelet
  33. A precious stone
  34. A robin’s egg
  35. A flower petal
  36. A hangman
  37. A strand of hair
  38. A cocoon
  39. A drop of ink
  40. A pencil shave
  41. A marble
  42. A hanger for a board
  43. A piece of lint
  44. A thimble
  45. A Skittle or an M&M
  46. A pencil eraser
  47. A wild blueberry
  48. A peanut
  49. A sunflower seed
  50. A speck of dust

Click here for 50 more tiny requests.

Kerry Hishon is a director, actor, writer and stage fighter from London, Ontario, Canada. She blogs at www.kerryhishon.com.

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