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Jordan Peele’s “Quiet Part Loud” is said to be the scariest podcast of all time

Jordan Peele’s Horror was a fun ride. from go out to not his efforts as a director were great successes. Peele’s production took projects such as Wendell and Wild and Candyman at extraordinary levels. Now Peele is producing a podcast and it’s said to be the scariest podcast ever.

Podcasts have hosted new types of radio shows from yesteryear with series like Tales beyond the pale brought to us by Larry Fessenden and Glenn McQuaid. So the idea of ​​a terrifying podcast isn’t new. If you haven’t listened to Fessenden’s podcast yet, please do! It has a Tales From the Crypt vibe complete with a Cryptkeeper-like host.

Very quiet side focuses on:

“Rick Egan, a right-wing, fear-mongering radio host who loses his platform after 9/11 for spreading xenophobic rumors about a group of missing Muslim teenagers. Eight years later, an exhausted Egan is on the convention circuit when a mysterious woman offers a tantalizing revelation: one of the missing teenagers has reappeared. Egan embarks on a crusade to claim it and eventually makes a Faustian bargain with a demonic sounding, shape-shifting monster known as ‘The Blank’ who thrives on hate.”

The podcast is written by Mac Rogers and Clay McLeod Chapman.

“I’m always looking for new ways to explore and innovate in genre storytelling. The audio potential was tremendously appealing: by stripping the horror of all its imagery, you could just focus on evoking fear and unease in your listener’s ears on this intimate, visceral level. We wanted to make the scariest podcast ever.” Peele said.

Quiet Part Loud arrives exclusively on Spotify on November 15th.

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