The Muppets Mayhem has finally arrived on Disney+. All 10 fantastic episodes arrived at the same time. The series is a lot of fun and if you are a Muppet fan you shouldn’t miss it. One standout moment that left us completely reeling was a crossover that defies all logic.
In one of the later episodes of The Muppets Mayhem, director Peter Jackson made an appearance in the series. It was already a huge cameo that we would have absolutely loved. However, the conversation that came with it was truly amazing.
In this case, Muppets Mayhem member Floyd Pepper bumps into Peter Jackson and chats with none other than The Feebles and how they all ended up in prison.
Peter Jackson directed a Muppet spoof Meet the skinny. It was a bleak and disgusting ride that leaves Dead Alive feeling like an episode of The Waltons by comparison. Jackson’s Meet the Feebles followed a group of fallen stars who were still trying to make it in their showbiz lifestyle. Of course, they were all haunted by affairs, drugs, suicides, war and herpes zoster.
It’s been an intense ride, and lucky for us Jackson fans, it turns out he’s working on a 4K release for Meet the skinny for release soon.
We didn’t expect to see a Muppets and Meet the skinny crossover, but it seems even the impossible is possible.
Synopsis for Meet the skinny it went like this:
Fame-seeking members of the animal kingdom experience the sleazier side of the show in this puppet-filled spoof.
You saw The Muppets Mayhem Jackson cameo episode? Were you as shocked as we were? Let us know in the comments section.