Sleepaway Camp’s Felissa Rose and Thom Matthews star Go away, a fun dinner party in a deadly home invasion thriller. It’s always great to see Felissa Rose in just about anything. So we automatically want to check this based on that casting alone.
Synopsis for Go away breaks down like this:
Guests at a dinner party (Thom Mathews Felissa Rose Tuesday Knight) are attacked and tortured by a group of masked intruders and forced to play sadistic games. Before the night is over, the intruders discover they may have something to fear.

The formula for a home invasion thriller is usually a pretty simple little plot. Get some sadistic, masked killers, unleash them on an unexpected group of family or friendsand then let the bloody mayhem ensue.
Go away The trailer features Thom Mathews (Friday the 13th Part 6, Return of the Living Dead), Felissa Rose (Sleepaway Camp, Victor Crowley), Tuesday Knight (Nightmare on Elm Street 4) LC Holt (You’re Next) Justin Marxen (Haunt) , Robert Mukes (House of 1000 Corpses), Christine Oswald, Matthew Sharpe, De’Rome Chretien.
Go away arriving in early 2023. We’ll make sure to update this once we get an exact date and bring it to you as soon as possible.