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Summary: First week activities

The first week of a new term is a busy one. Teachers need to introduce themselves, go through the rules and procedures, learn the names of the students and establish a sense of trust, community and security. But we are here to help. The following are activities and warm-ups that…

Plays for social and emotional learning in the classroom

The theater class has always promoted skills and lessons that are based on the foundation of social and emotional learning (SEL). Self-awareness, self-management, social awarenessrelationship skills and responsible decision making provide students with important life skills: empathy, collaboration, communication, developing and maintaining relationships, time management and more. Each theater class…

Choosing the shows you are passionate about

When choosing a show for a class or school production, the first thought that teachers usually have is about practical aspects. There are many important things to consider. Is it the right length? Are there enough roles to go? Will royalties be within our budget? Will the administration approve it?…

Exercise: Give and receive feedback

Giving and receiving feedback are skills that require practice. Students may worry that they will offend their classmates or hurt their feelings while giving feedback. It also takes practice for students to provide useful feedback, rather than simply stating whether or not they liked what they saw. When they receive…